In DE SAARLOOSWOLFHOND Oktober 2020 Jaargang 44, Nr.4 publiceerde we een artikel over de overgang van MyDogDNA naar een onderdeel van “Mars/WisdomPanel” familie.
In dat artikel schreven we al dat er grote problemen waren in de IT, waardoor actueel gebruikers problemen hebben bij het inloggen op de nieuwe servers en op dat moment alleen de resultaten van de honden enkel als PDF te verkrijgen en zijn nuttige tools, zoals de GHI, Diversity, vergelijking met andere SWH en breeder tool niet beschikbaar.
De voor ons zo belangrijke tools voor de vereniging, zoals de GHI, Diversity, vergelijking met andere SWH en breeder tool zijn nog steeds niet beschikbaar. Dit alles resulteert in een groeiende ontevredenheid met betrekking tot de functionaliteit van MyDogDNA- WisdomPanel aan steun, service en in het verleden het aangeboden geleverd product wat niet voldoet aan de afspraken.
Deze groeiende ontevredenheid resulteerde in onderstaande brandbrief aan MyDogDNA.


We would like to address our growing discontent concerning functionality of MyDogDNA and given support and service.
Ever since the merger with Mars Wisdom Panel, MyDogDNA has not delivered the product and service provided in the past and is not living up to the agreements made on previous sales. We have invested in MyDogDNA for the population and breeding future of our breed, made breeding plans based on promises made by MyDogDNA and services provided at the time of purchase. MyDogDNA cannot unilaterally change the agreements and conditions of products and services sold.
The genetic diversity information, Genetic Relationships graphs, comparison to other breeds and breeder tool were part of the services we acquired by our purchase. The possibility to share the data of a single dog is crucial when breeding and one of the features that attracted us in your services.
Obtaining these tools again should not be qualified as a milestone but is our right!
As early as in november 2019 we have been informed of the upcoming merger. As of September 2020 MyDogDNA has been temporarily offline. In the current situation the reports are at best accessible in PDF, but still many accounts are not accessible at all. Despite repeated promises and reassurances, the end of the “recent” system updates does not seem to be in the foreseeable future. MyDogDNA is not responding to email or telephone queries as might be expected. This is inexcusable.
We have always been very happy with all communications and service and trust you will restore functionality and services promptly and will restore access to all accounts. If no improvement is provided, we will see ourselves forced to take further steps.